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The Art Of Buying A Copier Machine

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Copiers are essential devices at many businesses and organizations. It’s hard, however, to differentiate one from another, so take a look at the art of buying one. Expected Costs Presuming you’re shelling out for a commercial system, the average cost for a machine ought to be around $1,500 to $1,600. If you want to get into bigger and badder systems with more features, you can easily get into the tens of thousands of dollars. Read More»

3 Printed Materials You're Going To Need For Your Charity Auction

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Hosting a charity auction is an excellent way to raise funding for a good cause. Before the auction, reach out to a print management solutions company, like RG Gion & Associates, to get all the printed materials you need. Here are a few things it is a good idea to include.  You’ll need handouts that offer a list of the items up for auction.  When people first arrive at the auction, it is nice if you can give them a brochure or other printed item that provides them with a list of everything that will be up for auction for the night. Read More»

4 Tips For Creating Your Own Hot Sauce

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If you’re enthusiastic about hot sauce, you may have dreamed about creating your own. Selling hot sauce can be a lucrative business that allows you to flex your creative muscles. Here are four things you should do if you think you want to start a hot sauce company 1. Make sure you have a steady source of ingredients. The primary ingredient in all hot sauces is chili peppers. Since chili peppers are a type of crop, their production is dependent on climate and growing conditions. Read More»

3 Tips For Fulfilling Your Printing And Copying Demands On A Tight Tech Start-Up Budget

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While small tech start-ups have an advantage in going paperless as much as they can, it’s not entirely possible to avoid paper altogether. You’ll need to make hard copies of certain documents, whether it’s to fax them to another company, share them with colleagues at a meeting, or retain them in on-site file storage. While modern copiers can be quite expensive, it’s fairly easy for a cash-strapped start-up to meet their printing and copying needs thanks to leasing and renting arrangements. Read More»

5 Tips To Help You Design And Print Promotional Postcards

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When it comes to promotional postcards for your business, you want to ensure that you work with a reputable printing service, but at the same time, you also want to ensure that you get the most bang for your buck. To help make certain this happens, you need to create a design that has your audience in mind, including current and potential customers. This article will provide five important tips to keep in mind as you work with a printing provider that will help you design and print an effective promotional postcard. Read More»

Design Your Next Advertising Materials With The Help Of A 4-Color Process Screen Printing Business

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Color is paramount if you would like to pull your targeted audience into your mind and show them what your whitewater rafting business has to offer. Bland advertisements seldom get people to turn their head, but an advertisement that not only depicts a true-life rendition of what one can expect plus adds detailed information about a rafting adventure can be a show stopper. Learn The Difference Between Ink Types Some printing presses use basic colors that don’t add definition or dimension to a picture. Read More»

Using Miniature Folding For Your Dollhouse Furniture Business

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Miniature folding packs a lot of information into a tiny, little package. For example, you can take the instructions and information on cough syrup in eight languages, print it on both sides of a 6”x8” piece of paper, and fold it up until it is only the size of a quarter before inserting it into the package with the bottle of cough syrup! Need more ideas on how miniature folding can help you with your dollhouse furniture business? Read More»

Paid A Lot For A Printer That Doesn't Work Now? Solutions That Help

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When you buy a multi-purpose printer for your home office, you expect it to do a lot of things. What you do not expect it to do is break down and/or malfunction shortly after you purchase it. Now what? You paid a lot of money for this printer, so you do not want to buy another one.Yet, you have to print stuff almost daily. Here are some solutions that can help. Read More»

3 Good Signs It's Time To Upgrade Your Office Copier

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From making it possible to keep hard copies of certain documents to ensuring you get quality copies for distributing materials to employees, there are all kinds of ways the office copier makes life at work a lot easier to handle. While some business owners will upgrade their office copier every few years to ensure it is the most up-to-date model, most just wait until their copier no longer serves the purpose or falls into disrepair before replacement. Read More»

How To Use Blueprints To Keep Hotel Guests Safe

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When it comes to the safety of your hotel’s guests, you want to do everything you can to ensure they can get the help they need during an emergency. One way to do this is with blueprints. Use the following guide to learn how you can put blueprints to work in your building. Create Fire Escape Floor Plans Using the existing blueprints from your hotel, you can create fire escape floor plans for every room in the hotel. Read More»