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Tell-Tale Signs Of Looming Printer Repairs That You Should Not Ignore

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As long as your office has not gone paperless, a printer is an indispensable part of your operations. Not only is this equipment vital for document management in your office, but it is also crucial for record-keeping and facilitating internal communication. However, despite how multifunctional printers are, they are not invulnerable to decline. The trick to ensuring that your printer is not out of commission prematurely is by knowing when to seek professional printer repairs. Read More»

Having Direct Mail Ads Printed And Mailed Can Be A Great Way To Advertise

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If you are looking for additional ways to market your company, then having direct mail advertisements printed can be a great way to go. Here are some of the reasons why you might want to make use of direct mail advertisements you have printed and mailed out: Direct mail advertisements will be seen If you were to have a stack of brochures sitting on the counters of some other local businesses, you don’t know that many people are even seeing them. Read More»

Things That Will Make Customizing Sorority Congratulations Cards Easier

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If you’re customizing sorority congratulations cards to make them more unique and special to recipients, then you can look forward to a fun and creative process. It will stay fun and easy if you look for a couple of things. Free Card Editors If you aren’t interested in buying technical or expensive design software to make sorority congratulations cards from scratch, then look for a platform that offers free card editors. Read More»

Why You Should Use A Fulfillment Service When Shipping Products To Your Online Customers

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If you run an online-only business, or if you run a brick-and-mortar business that also sells products to customers online, then you might have to regularly fulfill orders so that you can ship those orders out to your customers. If this is something that your business regularly does, or if it’s something that you will be doing soon, then it is probably time for you to at least consider working with an order fulfillment service. Read More»

Reasons To Buy One Or More Copiers For Your Business

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As your business grows, you may find that you are printing out more and more documents over time. Maybe you need physical contracts for your clients to sign, or maybe every employee needs a physical copy of the latest project guidelines for easy reference. If you find yourself frequently printing out templates or the same document, there may be an easier way to get things done than just continuing to press “ Read More»

Busting Common Myths About Folded IRCs on Supermarket Products

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Folded instantly redeemable coupons (IRCs) are one of the most commonly used types of coupons today, but many grocery product manufacturers do not consider IRCs as a worthy investment. Usually, a set of myths get in the way of a product maker looking to IRCs as a viable investment to help market their products. Take a look at just a few of those myths and the facts about folded IRCs that you should know. Read More»

Having Shirts Screen Printed For Your Business

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Screen printing is one of the most popular options for individuals and businesses looking to better advertise their services. While screen printing is an effective way of adding graphics to a garment, it is an involved process that you will want to understand before you commit to ordering graphic T-shirts. Consider Creases And Seams When Choosing A Pattern For The Screen Print A key benefit of screen printed garments is that they will allow you to have almost any design applied to the shirt in an easy and affordable manner. Read More»

Two Must-Have Election Ballot Design Practices To Exercise

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Elections are the cornerstone of a democracy, and every official responsible for the design and preparation of election ballots must hold this duty with high regard. A considerable part of this process involves good design practices. While the needs of each election will vary, there are some staple factors that should always be implemented or exercised during the ballet design phase; here are a couple of them. Start Early The ballot design process must begin early. Read More»

The Art Of Buying A Copier Machine

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Copiers are essential devices at many businesses and organizations. It’s hard, however, to differentiate one from another, so take a look at the art of buying one. Expected Costs Presuming you’re shelling out for a commercial system, the average cost for a machine ought to be around $1,500 to $1,600. If you want to get into bigger and badder systems with more features, you can easily get into the tens of thousands of dollars. Read More»

3 Printed Materials You're Going To Need For Your Charity Auction

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Hosting a charity auction is an excellent way to raise funding for a good cause. Before the auction, reach out to a print management solutions company, like RG Gion & Associates, to get all the printed materials you need. Here are a few things it is a good idea to include.  You’ll need handouts that offer a list of the items up for auction.  When people first arrive at the auction, it is nice if you can give them a brochure or other printed item that provides them with a list of everything that will be up for auction for the night. Read More»